VFFL Fantasy Football League
page updated: November 18, 2003, 7:36pm

The Pig Pen!

Lexington, KY (11/18/2003)-Greetings from the Pig Pen! Who's ruling the pen these days?

Runnin' the (cell) block: The Reapers, D-Gens, D.V.A.C., and Hurricanes are running the block these days as the teams with the best records. All four teams have quality wins and look to have what it takes to win it all. A lot can change in a month though.
Weight Room masters: The Rooks and Legends are close seconds right now, flexing their muscle and talking tough. They would like nothing more than to take out one of the the cell block "bosses".
Kitchen crew: The Tornados, Wolves, Rifles, Crashers, and Brew Crew are not the toughest teams in the pen right now but working in the kitchen leaves them dangerous to get a hold of a weapon and cut the leader's throats.
Prison b*&tch: The Bandits are down and out for the playoffs, but will surely make some big men cry over the next few weeks. -