VFFL Fantasy Football League
page updated: October 21, 2003, 8:25pm

New Weekly Article!

The Price is right!

Medford, Or (10/21/2003)-Welcome to the 1st edition of Price Elliot's points for the week (catchy article name to be added later)

The Best is Yet to Come! The 10th week of the season is akin to the 7th Inning Stretch in baseball….you get up stretch your arms, loosen up, and get ready for the game within the game to begin. This year’s late season rallies and complete meltdowns will be remembered for years to come – the only question is who will be the hero and who will be the goat!

In a 12-team league it is always difficult to maintain a decent level of parity this far into the season but the VFFL has been more than successful in this regard. Going into Week 10, there are nine teams within three games of the best team in the league (Reapers at 7-2)! With only six playoff spots available, the math says that a couple of teams are not going to be smiling after Week 14. In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and predict that the last playoff spot will come down to tie-breakers between three teams. How’s that for suspense!

Things to Watch in the coming weeks:

1. The Central Division Implosion! The Reapers have the best record in the VFFL yet have not been able to distance themselves (only two games ahead) from the rest of the division. To make matters worse, every team in the division has a 2-2 division record. So if the Reapers have already lost to the D-Gens; and the D-Gens have lost to the Legends; and the Legends have lost to the Rookies; and the Rookies have lost to the Reapers? Huh! Now I am confused…..Anyways, any team in this division could find themselves at the bottom of the division on any given week – a precarious position to be in so late in the season.

2. The D-Generates second wind! I noted in my last article that the D-Gens had the toughest schedule for the remainder of the season. So far they are meeting the challenge head on. While most of the league broke even the last two weeks, the D-Gens were one of two teams (Hurricanes) that made up some ground going 2-0. They should be able to continue their success and the division crown could be closer than they realize.

3. Week 11, Tornados at D.V.A.C.! The D.V.A.C. could win the East with a win! Expect both these teams to give everything they have in this crucial contest.

4. Week 14, Hurricanes at SC Wolves! This result of this game has a good chance of determining the West and possibly a first round bye!

5. SC Wolves! If the first four were not enough, add to it the complex phenomenon that the SC Wolves are currently experiencing. In nine weeks, they have yet to pick the right QB. In fact, they haven’t even chosen their 2nd best QB in seven of those weeks! Continue to watch the SC Wolves and feel free to email them with your suggestions. It’s almost too bad to be true! The Wolves have enjoyed a whopping 18 points out of a total 191 possible, or 9% - you have got to be kidding me! We are all routing for you!! Lee, there has to be some kind of record in jeopardy.

6. And the #1 pick in the 2004 Rookie Draft goes to...